Ipod shuffle is wicked cool
This little gadget deserves all the adjectives you can throw at it. It makes me happy. My little sister gave me an ipod shuffle for Christmas. I have an old clunky ipod from 3 years ago and never use it because I was under the impression that itunes really sucked. Wow was I ever wrong! The new itunes is amazing! I even bought my first legal MP3. The sound quality is incredidble and the shuffle is so small and it clips to my running clothes.....Jesus I don't know what to say....I think I'm in love. This whole podcast thing is unreal too. I can literally search for the most obscure topic and there's always some subject matter expert out there that has created a whole series of podcasts for free. This is likely not news to most of you but hey I've now seen the light and I like it a lot.