Sunday, November 27, 2005

protecting Michigan from the Canadians...way back in the summer.

Five miles makes you feel good

In today's world of infomerical messiahs bringing instant fat loss and good health for just 3 easy payments of $19.99, it's very satisfying to bust out a 5 miler and enjoy the benefits of REAL health. I recently ran the Turkey Trot in Columbus, OH and man it was a bitch. Cold and windy but I feel good -- even 3 days later.
Screw the Atkins and South Beach -- I have a better idea -- RUN 20 MILES A WEEK YOU FAT AMERICANS! (myself included)
If you run 20 miles a week you will NEVER be fat. Its simple. Plus, you will feel and look great. If you DON'T run 20 miles a week you are committing one of the seven deadly sins -- APATHY -- which simply means you will burn in hell.

Me and Liz at Niki beach in Miami Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 26, 2005

drinking hop devil...

drinking hop devil when I should be sleeping. It's the hoppiest beer I've ever tasted. Studied all day for my CCNA.

News: Cindy Sheehan is an example of what makes this country great -- we can blatantly and publicly denouce our leaders if we choose. That's the rights we are fighting for.

Hooray for the palestinians! -- it's long overdo we threw them a bone.

Things to laugh at: ignorant Nascar-loving, wrestle-mania watching ignorant idiots that are so far to the right they think anything Bush does is a deity like expression of patriotism.

and also: Ignorant hippie Demoncrats that are so far left they can't see through the bullshit world of pseudo-intellectualism they build their lives around.

One day there will be a libertarian in the white house and pot-heads can sit in their basements playing xbox and eating doritos without fear of imprisonment.